Boston’s Multi Award Wining Dance Studio
3 x Winner “Central England Dance School of the Year”
“Dance School of the Year’ Silver Winner 2021
"Boston Hero" awarded to Miss Josie
3 x Winner of the Prestige Awards "Central England Dance School of the Year 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23"
The Prestige Awards recognise small and medium sized businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months. All shortlisted companies put forward in the Prestige Awards are asked to support their nomination with evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients, information on previous accreditation and recognition, as well as highlighting the most outstanding parts of their business. The judging panel base their decisions upon areas such as service excellence, quality of the product/service provided, innovative practices, value, ethical or sustainable methods of working, as well as consistency in performance. The winners selected are those who can best demonstrate their strengths in these areas.
Dance School of the Year Silver Winner 2021
The Dance School of the Year Awards was founded in 2013 by Anne Walker MBE in order to celebrate the achievements of dance teachers everywhere. This annual award is now open to all all dance teachers wherever they teach and is designed to encourage teachers to realise what amazing achievements they have made within their school during the last 12 months. 2021 saw the highest number of entries, with dance schools entering across the UK and Europe as well as Canada, Ireland, USA, Bahrain, Malaysia, Finland, India and Australia.
"Boston Hero" awarded to Miss Josie - December 2021
The awards organised by Boston Borough Council, recognise those who go the extra mile to make Boston a better place to live and work. Josie received high praise for going above and beyond to support the mental and physical health of her dancers and their families during the coronavirus pandemic and for the supporting various community projects.
Shortlisted in the Lincolnshire Sport and Physical Activity Awards 2024 for:
“Positive Experiences for Children and Young People Award”
“Outstanding Service to Sport & Physical Activity Award”